Is Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden Crazy....
The Connecticut Post Has Only Its Credibility And Reputation To Rely On.
Connecticut Post Political Writer Jonathan Kantrowitz has updated his blog page, now that he has been exposed for plagiarizing from one of Jim Himes' fundraising emails.
The hopelessly biased and unethical Kantrowitz put the following above the plagiarized campaign material:
"From the Himes campaign information I think it's important to know"
Kantrowitz's added sentence was so hastily written, that it lacked proper punctuation and structure.
In fact there is no indication to the Connecticut Post reader that the web page was updated or corrected.
Hearst newspaper readers are entitled to know when and why corrections are made at the Connecticut Post.
What Jonathan Kantrowitz should have written was ....
Dear Valued Reader,
I took the information bellow from one of Congressman Jim Himes' fundraising emails and failed to tell you that it was written by Jim Himes campaign manager Mark Henson.
The fact is that I plagiarized from this political fundraising email. It was wrong and I am deeply sorry for what I have done to you the Connecticut Post reader.
Please rest assured that I have learned my lesson and will from now on up hold journalistic ethics and standards.
Further, I would like to apologize to my fellow Hearst Newspaper editors, columnists and reporters who have been stained by my plagerism of Jim Himes' fundraising email.
It was wrong and I am deeply soory and you can rest assured that it will never happen again.
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden has thrown truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability out the window.
It is now even more clear that Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz no longer subscriber to ethics and standards specific challenges faced by professional journalists.
Historically and currently at every news organization except Hearst Newspapers, media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics" or the "canons of journalism".
All across America and most of the free world basic codes and canons commonly appear in statements drafted by both professional journalism associations and individual print, broadcast, and online news organizations.
If Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden Had A Strong Journalistic Code Of Ethics At The Connecticut Post, Then The Hopelessly Biased Jonathan Kantrowitz Would Have Had Some Guidance On If He Should Plagiarize Congressman Jim Himes' Fundraising Email As If It Were His Own Writings.
Hearst Newspaper's failure to have strong principles of Journalistic ethics has allowed Connecticut Post reporters to ignore such issues as,conflicts of interest, to assist so-called political journalists like Jonathan Kantowitz in dealing with ethical dilemmas.
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden is ignoring the leading voice on the subject of Journalistic Standards and Ethics.
The Society of Professional Journalists.
The Preamble to its Code of Ethics states:
...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.
The one issue common to journalistic standards and ethics is...
Corrections are published openly and honestly when errors or violations of Journalistic standards are discovered
It looks like all of the cuts at Hearst Newspapers maintain and maybe they have no in-house Ombudsman whose role is, to keep the Hearst news organizations honest and accountable to the public.
This lack of an ombudsman, prevents the reading public a metheod to mediate in conflicts and maintain accountability to the public for news reported.
Jonathan Kantowitz failed himself and the hearst Corporation when he plagerized from a favored candidates fundraising email, and should be held accountable for this.
But Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden has failed the reading public, because he has not fostered self-criticism and encouraged his Hearst Newspaper writers to adher to codified journalistic ethics and standards.
In journalism today there is a perennial concern that the standards of journalism are being ignored. One of the most controversial issues in modern reporting is media bias, especially on political issues.
In countries without freedom of the press, it would perfectly OK for Jonathan Kantrowitz to print a national legislator's propaganda word for word as if it was his reporters own.
In countries where there is no freedom of the press the media are often prohibited from criticizing the national government, and in many cases are required to distribute propaganda as if it were news.
For Jonathan Kantowitz to cut and paste from Congressman Jim Himes hit piece on an opponent and print on a Hearst Newspaper website, as if it was his own writings is as unethical as it gets.
Brave young men and women are shedding blood in two far of wars defending our American way of life and our precious freedoms, as Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz is throwing journalistic standards out the the window.
Jonathan Kantowitz's lack of proper attribution and plagiarism from Jim Himes campaign manager Mark Henson was unethical, and has taught the reading public that all Hearst Newspapers in Fairfield County can not be trusted.
Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden and Connecticut Post political writer Jonathan Kantrowitz are engaging in Yellow Journalism, because of thier unprofessional or unethical actions.
but should we be surprised William Randolf Hearst invented Yellow Journalism.
Hearst drew America into the Spanish Anerican War by outright lying to the reading public.
The most famous example of this is when artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Just Like Hearst of old, Editor Tom Baden and writer Jonathan Kantrowitz are not concerned with distinguishing among fact-based reporting, opinion, literature, and plagiarism of a sitting congressman's fundraising emails.
The reason that Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz has failed to uphold journalistic standards at the Connecticut Post is that the privately held company has had ethics problems since the very beginning.
Hearst was a leading Democrat who promoted William Jennings Bryan for president in 1896 and 1900. He later ran for mayor and governor and even sought the presidential nomination, but lost much of his personal prestige when outrage exploded in 1901 after columnist Ambrose Bierce and editor Arthur Brisbane published columns that urged the assassination of President McKinley.
When McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901, critics accused Hearst's Yellow Journalism of driving Leon Czolgosz to the deed.
The problem is that Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden is not haunted by the Hearst Corporations "yellow sins", and has no interest in making the Connecticut Post a widely-respected publication.
Or as Jonathan Kantrowitz would say to Jim Himes' campaign manager Mark Henson,"You just keep sending me those misleading fundraising emails, and I will win this political campaign by using Hearst Corporation resources."
According to one Connecticut Post employee "Rosebud," is now the staffs pet name for Tom Baden.
The CT Post staffer says Tom Baden is just like the clitoris of Hearst mistress Marion Davies, because he doesn't have the journalistic balls to deal with Jonathan Kantrowitz's plagiarism and unethical behavior.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to FairfieldRoundup@gmail.com
Connecticut Post Political Writer Jonathan Kantrowitz has updated his blog page, now that he has been exposed for plagiarizing from one of Jim Himes' fundraising emails.
The hopelessly biased and unethical Kantrowitz put the following above the plagiarized campaign material:
"From the Himes campaign information I think it's important to know"
Kantrowitz's added sentence was so hastily written, that it lacked proper punctuation and structure.
In fact there is no indication to the Connecticut Post reader that the web page was updated or corrected.
Hearst newspaper readers are entitled to know when and why corrections are made at the Connecticut Post.
What Jonathan Kantrowitz should have written was ....
Dear Valued Reader,
I took the information bellow from one of Congressman Jim Himes' fundraising emails and failed to tell you that it was written by Jim Himes campaign manager Mark Henson.
The fact is that I plagiarized from this political fundraising email. It was wrong and I am deeply sorry for what I have done to you the Connecticut Post reader.
Please rest assured that I have learned my lesson and will from now on up hold journalistic ethics and standards.
Further, I would like to apologize to my fellow Hearst Newspaper editors, columnists and reporters who have been stained by my plagerism of Jim Himes' fundraising email.
It was wrong and I am deeply soory and you can rest assured that it will never happen again.
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden has thrown truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability out the window.
It is now even more clear that Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz no longer subscriber to ethics and standards specific challenges faced by professional journalists.
Historically and currently at every news organization except Hearst Newspapers, media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics" or the "canons of journalism".
All across America and most of the free world basic codes and canons commonly appear in statements drafted by both professional journalism associations and individual print, broadcast, and online news organizations.
If Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden Had A Strong Journalistic Code Of Ethics At The Connecticut Post, Then The Hopelessly Biased Jonathan Kantrowitz Would Have Had Some Guidance On If He Should Plagiarize Congressman Jim Himes' Fundraising Email As If It Were His Own Writings.
Hearst Newspaper's failure to have strong principles of Journalistic ethics has allowed Connecticut Post reporters to ignore such issues as,conflicts of interest, to assist so-called political journalists like Jonathan Kantowitz in dealing with ethical dilemmas.
Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden is ignoring the leading voice on the subject of Journalistic Standards and Ethics.
The Society of Professional Journalists.
The Preamble to its Code of Ethics states:
...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.
The one issue common to journalistic standards and ethics is...
Corrections are published openly and honestly when errors or violations of Journalistic standards are discovered
It looks like all of the cuts at Hearst Newspapers maintain and maybe they have no in-house Ombudsman whose role is, to keep the Hearst news organizations honest and accountable to the public.
This lack of an ombudsman, prevents the reading public a metheod to mediate in conflicts and maintain accountability to the public for news reported.
Jonathan Kantowitz failed himself and the hearst Corporation when he plagerized from a favored candidates fundraising email, and should be held accountable for this.
But Connecticut Post Editor Tom Baden has failed the reading public, because he has not fostered self-criticism and encouraged his Hearst Newspaper writers to adher to codified journalistic ethics and standards.
In journalism today there is a perennial concern that the standards of journalism are being ignored. One of the most controversial issues in modern reporting is media bias, especially on political issues.
In countries without freedom of the press, it would perfectly OK for Jonathan Kantrowitz to print a national legislator's propaganda word for word as if it was his reporters own.
In countries where there is no freedom of the press the media are often prohibited from criticizing the national government, and in many cases are required to distribute propaganda as if it were news.
For Jonathan Kantowitz to cut and paste from Congressman Jim Himes hit piece on an opponent and print on a Hearst Newspaper website, as if it was his own writings is as unethical as it gets.
Brave young men and women are shedding blood in two far of wars defending our American way of life and our precious freedoms, as Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz is throwing journalistic standards out the the window.
Jonathan Kantowitz's lack of proper attribution and plagiarism from Jim Himes campaign manager Mark Henson was unethical, and has taught the reading public that all Hearst Newspapers in Fairfield County can not be trusted.
Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden and Connecticut Post political writer Jonathan Kantrowitz are engaging in Yellow Journalism, because of thier unprofessional or unethical actions.
but should we be surprised William Randolf Hearst invented Yellow Journalism.
Hearst drew America into the Spanish Anerican War by outright lying to the reading public.
The most famous example of this is when artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Just Like Hearst of old, Editor Tom Baden and writer Jonathan Kantrowitz are not concerned with distinguishing among fact-based reporting, opinion, literature, and plagiarism of a sitting congressman's fundraising emails.
The reason that Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz has failed to uphold journalistic standards at the Connecticut Post is that the privately held company has had ethics problems since the very beginning.
Hearst was a leading Democrat who promoted William Jennings Bryan for president in 1896 and 1900. He later ran for mayor and governor and even sought the presidential nomination, but lost much of his personal prestige when outrage exploded in 1901 after columnist Ambrose Bierce and editor Arthur Brisbane published columns that urged the assassination of President McKinley.
When McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901, critics accused Hearst's Yellow Journalism of driving Leon Czolgosz to the deed.
The problem is that Hearst Newspaper Editor Tom Baden is not haunted by the Hearst Corporations "yellow sins", and has no interest in making the Connecticut Post a widely-respected publication.
Or as Jonathan Kantrowitz would say to Jim Himes' campaign manager Mark Henson,"You just keep sending me those misleading fundraising emails, and I will win this political campaign by using Hearst Corporation resources."
According to one Connecticut Post employee "Rosebud," is now the staffs pet name for Tom Baden.
The CT Post staffer says Tom Baden is just like the clitoris of Hearst mistress Marion Davies, because he doesn't have the journalistic balls to deal with Jonathan Kantrowitz's plagiarism and unethical behavior.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to FairfieldRoundup@gmail.com
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